"He will Join Us or Die!"
Acts • Sermon • Submitted
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· 21 viewsOur calling in the conflict between God and Satan to share the gospel
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How many people did you talk about Jesus Christ with this week?
Darth Vader - “He will Join us or Die!”
1) Light vs. Dark - as I watch these and more are made I wrestle with the conflict
2) Although his approach is wrong Vader has a few things true for the Christian faith
Men who do not believe and respond to the call of God will die
Now, Vader’s approach is all wrong.
Problem: In the church we do not evangelize because we do not know how.
How do we enter into a cosmic war without fear and trepidation?
Everyone who goes into war has some degree of fear.
What can we do? How should we do it?
Some of us just believe that we are too insignificant in a cosmic war.
Every little moment, even the small ones, are used by God in what will be a victory.
Opposition to the gospel. Jews and Gentiles.
Paul and Barnabas are in a new town and already feeling the opposition to the gospel.
There seems to be a disconnect between verse 2 and 3 here that is criticized by many. I would simply say the logic by Luke here is to connect the last town and story to this town and story. He is showing that the opposition is universal.
Paul and Barnabas give us a good example of how God can use common people, like you and me, to build his kingdom.
I have told of this story before, it was as a child that I thought we could bring people into the Kingdom by force.
Specifically, by sharing the gospel.
Step into the fight (14:1;3)
Tell the gospel
Make it a habit
Be intentional
General quarters, general quarters.
Building muscle memory is good - Marines in combat; sailors on a ship (general quarters)
Face the opposition (2)
Know that some will resist
This is why relationship is important
but in God’s power stand up to it
Be persuasive
know what you believe and how to communicate that
APP: You have to believe it before you can share it with joy and conviction.
Be committed to the fight (3)
Paul and Barnabas were committed
They left one city where they were rejected continued ministry
They “remained for a long time”
They were committed
God allows opposition
“Both Jews and Gentiles”
Visible church
PCUSA - Liberalism
UMC - homosexuality
Joseph and his brothers. “What you meant for evil, God used for good.”
Don’t be afraid of conflict or opposition
God uses conflict throughout Scripture
He does so to show the sin of men and the opportunity for reconciliation and redemption
Grace and Mercy are ours to experience and express
Be faithful to the gospel (7)
God does not call us to other things
Social justice; mercy ministries
All good things that flow from the church
Paul and Barnabas used opportunities for “signs and wonders”
But, they are not the gospel
Paul and Barnabas primary reason was the gospel
(3) “The word of his grace”
The other things only led to an opportunity to share the gospel
The gospel is the message of Jesus Christ and his work for salvation
other gospels - prosperity gospel
Only the gospel of Jesus Christ is what will save men’s souls
Paul and Barnabas knew this and this is where they focused
APP: We need to be careful to not allow other things to take the place of sharing the gospel. Going out into the world to do good works or mercy ministry without sharing the gospel is not being faithful. A faithful Christian seeks ways to share the gospel in all that we do.
How can we go out into a war with the responsibility of sharing the gospel? We come to communion:
When we take communion we do more than remember the death of Christ
We show the faith we have Christ’s work on the cross
We are spiritually nourished so that we can go out into this cosmic war and share the gospel
We grow in grace - our knowledge of our sin and the imputed righteousness of Christ; Our strengthened faith
We are confirmed in our right standing with God and our ingrafting into Christ
We are renewed in our thankfulness for salvation
We show our unity with God and the body of Christ in the mystical body
Communion provides for us a spiritual strengthening that prepares us for the war.
It reminds us of 2 things: The work of Christ for us and the work of Christ through us.
Once we taste and are reminded of our salvation and what Christ has done for us we should immediately realize
that God is using us as chosen instruments to bring this realization to others whom He is actively calling.
How will they come if they do not hear?
This morning I want to you to taste and see that the Lord is good.
Stand in his grace!
Then I want you to enter the cosmic war and boldly proclaim the Lord to all!
Walk in his grace!